New homes

JNP landlord service options

We have a range of landlord service options to suit you and your property depending how involved in the tenancy you want to be. Whether you want to outsource the day to day management and maintenance of your property or just need help finding the right tenant we are able to tailor a landlord service package to meet your needs.

Our service level fees are set as a percentage of the rental income including VAT (Fully Managed 18%, Rent Collect 12%, Tenant Find 9.6%)

Service options

Fully Managed
Rent Collect
Tenant Find
What's included in Fully Managed:
What's included in Rent Collect:
What's included in Tenant Find:
Fully Managed
Rent Collect
Tenant Find

Before tenancy

Value property and provide marketing advice
Prepare property details
Fully market property including online, in-office and paper methods
Erect a To Let board if applicable
Accompanied viewings
Full tenant referencing including; credit check, employment and previous landlord references*
Carry out right to rent checks*
Advice on issues of compliance
Collect agreed security deposit
Deduct any pre-tenancy invoices
Protect the deposit monies in line with regulations
Check smoke alarms are present, in date and working on the move in day

During tenancy

Collect and remit the monthly rent received
Deduct commission monthly
Provide detailed HMRC compliant monthly statement
Make any HMRC deduction and provide tenant with the NRL8 (if relevant)
Pursue non-payment of rent and provide advice on rent arrears actions
Regular property inspections including photographs and written report
Arrangement of annual gas safety certificate if applicable (plus the cost of the certificate)*
Provide 4 weeks free, pre-arranged management cover
Arrange routine repairs and instruct approved contractors
Deduct cost of works from monthly rental income
Negotiate renewal at the end of the fixed term of tenancy*
Hold keys throughout the tenancy term

After tenancy

Arrange an inventory and end of tenancy check out*
Negotiate return of deposit and any deductions required
Write to utility suppliers at end of the tenancy